Re-using and re-designing both beautiful things from the past as well as products/services/systems/processes of today ought to be the chorus of our future...

||: Analyze - Design - Test - Re-analyze - Re-design - Re-test - 
Use - ​​​​​​​Re-use - Re-pair - Re-use - Re-analyze - Re-design
- Re-Test - Re-analyze - Re-cycle? - Re-design - Re-test - Re-Use ...  :||

PerIngvar Design has a couple of different faces

We shouldn't only take care of our environment, we should also enjoy it. Through the means of photography, one can only try to communicate and imagine both beauty and beast of our world. Some of the impressions can be found here on this site and in limited prints in the boutique mentioned above.

By profession working with intricate technical sales processes gives an insight in how avoiding faulty sales orders can minimize tremendous waste. Designing, analyzing and re-designing towards the actual needs of the end users is today the crucial key to products/services/systems being used in the first place, hence avoiding all kinds of unnecessary waste. Aligning these needs with certain visions and requirements from all around is not that easy though - but quite some fun!