Re-using and re-designing both beautiful things from the past as well as products/services/systems/processes of today ought to be the chorus of our future...
||: Analyze - Design - Test - Re-analyze - Re-design - Re-test -
Use - Re-use - Re-pair - Re-use - Re-analyze - Re-design
- Re-Test - Re-analyze - Re-cycle? - Re-design - Re-test - Re-Use ... :||
PerIngvar Design has a couple of different faces
By profession working with intricate technical sales processes gives an insight in how avoiding faulty sales orders can minimize tremendous waste. Designing, analyzing and re-designing towards the actual needs of the end users is today the crucial key to products/services/systems being used in the first place, hence avoiding all kinds of unnecessary waste. Aligning these needs with certain visions and requirements from all around is not that easy though - but quite some fun!